Saturday, February 26, 2011

Do you dream of working in a bike shop?

It's that time of year again for us to start thinking about spring sales.  That means more staff will be needed to help us get everyone on their bikes for the spring and summer.
Do you enjoy the sport of cycling?  Do you enjoy dealing with people?  Have you been dreaming of working in a bike shop?  Now is the time to bring in your resume and join the CyclePath team!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Urban Rider on Com TV

"Urban Rider"  is born. 
Follow the life of Brian Dobek. He has parked his car and is documenting riding his bike as an urban commuter on video. 
Watch him start his brand new experience coming to the CyclePath for equipment advice to climbing on his bike with his new studded tires in the snow.

Check out the videos at and go to sports. 

Friday, February 4, 2011

Bike club

Over 20 people joined us for our first Medicine Hat Bike Club meeting last night.  Everyone is excited to have a formal group for all of our community cyclists.
Our club is now selling memberships for only $50.  You can sign up at our store.  Joining gets you a membership with the Alberta Bicycle Association, a voice in your new club, and lots of perks to come. 
Our next meeting is on Thursday, Feb 24th at 7:30 at the Public Library.  We would love to hear your ideas for what you would like your new club to be.

See you There!