Monday, January 31, 2011


Are you sick of the cold weather??!!  CyclePath has the sale to warm you up.  Take the temperature at the moment you buy your new in stock bike or accessory and that is the % off the regular retail!!
Example:  If you purchase your bike or accessory and it is -25c at that moment,  take 25% off.
This week only.  sale ends Saturday Feb 5th, 2011

Thursday, January 27, 2011


The snow is melting and it is time to trade in that old and tired BMX for a shiny new one.
We have your favorite BMX bikes on sale until Jan 31st to celebrate the warmer weather.  Don't be left in the cold.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Choosing Colors

Spent most of last Friday picking out colors for the new shop while dodging the guys putting in the duct work. Hope we made the right color choices! Things sure are coming along nicely! Electricians are in there as we speak.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Your new store

The framing is done!

From the Mezanine

Medicine Hat Cycling Club

The Medicne Hat Cycling club has a new Facebook Page.  Check it out,  link it,  leave your comments!

Medicine Hat cycling club, or Medicne Hat CC

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Central RIP

Picture from above central  RIP

Central's roof comes down

Last night the back part of the roof at Central caved in due to the weight of the snow.  Not sure what the damage is with the Skate and BMX indoor park yet.  Watch for updates.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Bike Club

To all fellow cyclists:
As many of you are aware,  Alex McCuaig and myself and others have been working on starting a sanctioned cycling club for the cyclists in our city.  We have paid the fees and are now registered with the Alberta Bicycle Association.  I have attached a letter from Alex letting everyone know that we are holding our first meeting.  Take a read and mark the date on your calendar.  We will look forward to seeing you there!
I will keep updates on our facebook site for you to follow as well
CyclePath FaceBook
See you there
Greg Watson
Owner/The CyclePath
1667 Dunmore Rd SE
Medicine Hat, AB
T1A 1Z8
Fax: 403-526-1639
cyclepath bmx/DJ MTB
cyclepath medicine hat, since 95'
Hello all
The first meeting of the Medicine Hat Cycling Club will be held on Thursday Feb. 3 from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.
The meeting will be held at the Public Library's Currie Room.

We should be set up at that time to accept membership applications for those looking to join both as competitive or casual members.
More information on what the club will be offering members — such as discounts, ride insurance, et cetera — will be coming up in the following days.
Please feel free to contact this email address with any questions.
Also, please forward this message to anyone who may be interested in joining the club.
Alex McCuaig
Pres. Med Hat CC

Friday, January 14, 2011

Zipp Wheels

CyclePath is now Medicine Hat's Authorized Zipp Wheels dealer!
Carbon Fibre Speed Weaponry. Proven to make you faster, more efficient, and your bike better looking.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Here at CyclePath we pride ourselves in having one of the biggest Bmx selections in Alberta. With companies such as: Fit, Eastern, FBM, United, Subrosa, Sunday, Premium, Cult, Haro, and more, finding a killer complete is easy. Summer, fall, Spring, and Winter we carry a full line of bikes in stock, so come in any time and pick up your new ride. -Cole
We ride what we sell:
Cole- United
Justin- Premium
Sam- S&M

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Store

We have great news!  The CyclePath is building a new store.  It is located on Strachan road across from the new Walmart and beside Mobile 1 Lube Express.
Watch for construction pictures over the next few months - Greg

Monday, January 10, 2011

Cyclepath has a blog!

Welcome to CyclePath's new blog! Check here for news on events, sales, new products, and just random shop stuff. And don't forget, Support Your Local Bike Shop! - Cole